Alright, I'm sure some of you have been anxiously waiting for April to come for the next mission. Well, I think I have discovered what the next mission is about! It all came to me this morning when I was on the toilet. I thought, "Hmmm, why is Peter Lerangis, the Author of the third book:
The Sword Thief looking for that diamond? (If you don't know what I'm talking about, watch his video blog on the 39 Clues website).
Then my mind went to the mysterious codes in the books. Each one reveals a message that has to do with the missions. Like in the first book: The Maze of Bones, there are numbers in dark circles in the corner of the pages. It's the type of code with the numbers and that are the certain number of letter in the alphabet (for example: 1=A, 2=B, 3=C etc.). So anyway, the message in the first book is: Anne Cahill did not drown, and you probably know that Anne Cahill was the Cahill from the first mission who went aboard the Titanic to transfer an Ekaternia (my branch) clue. Then in the second book: One False Note the code has certain letters. Whatever letter it shows, equals the letter after it in the alphabet (for example: A=B, B=C, C=D etc.). So the message reads: Look towards India, and the second mission took place in India. Now the code in the third book: The Sword Thief, the code is quite simple. In the book, there are strange little symbols in the corner. Well, those little symbols match the ones on the ninja star an the inside cover. So the message reads: The competition is about Hope. Now I thought that was some cheesy saying, but I was wrong. When I was thinking, I thought to myself, "Hmmm, hope. Diamonds. Hope. Diamonds. Wait a minute! Hope Diamond! Hope Diamond!" It all came to me! So I'm assuming, the next mission has to do with the Hope Diamond.
What I've also noticed is that once you start a mission, it shows the cards that can help you in the mission (not including Mission 0 I don't really define that one as a mission). And two of those cards are from the books. Like for the first mission, it had card #4 Secret: The Titanic and card #5 Agent: George McClain, which are both in the first book. And in the second mission, it had card #17 Secret: E-Mail Code and card card #21 Agent: Lan Nguyen, which are both in the second book. And in the third book, there is card #35 Secret: The Hope Diamond and card #37 Founder: Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, who was the guy who founded the Hope Diamond.
So, that's what I think the next mission is about. But, you know, this is all a theory! But if it came true, then I have one question: where will it take place? The Smithsonian in Washington D.C.? That's where the Hope Diamond is!